Saturday, March 23, 2019

Online Courses + White Paper from Digitronix Nepal & LogicTronix

Our Online Courses at, along with $9.99 Coupon Code Link:

  1. Embedded System Design with Xilinx VIVADO and Zynq FPGA: $9.99 Coupon Code
  2. FPGA Design with VHDL: Online Course Session at Udemy: $9.99 Coupon Code
  3. FPGA Design with MATLAB & Simulink [System Generator]:$9.99 Coupon Code of Udemy Course
  4. FPGA Design with High Level Synthesis:  $9.99 Coupon Code
  5. Verilog Programming with VIVADO Design Suit: $9.99 Coupon Code
  6. Verilog Programming with ISE Design Suit: $9.99 Coupon Code
  7. VHDL Programming with ISE Design Suit: $9.99 Coupon Code
  8. Zynq Ultrascale+MPSoC Development: $9.99 Coupon Code
  9. Zynq Development with SDSoC Tool: $9.99 Course Coupon
  10. PYNQ FPGA Development with Python Programming: $9.99 Coupon Code
  11. Video Processing with FPGA & VIVADO, HLS & SDK : $9.99 Coupon Code
Democratizing FPGA Education all over the World initiative of Digitronix Nepal and

Following are the white paper and reference guide on FPGA Design from Digitronix Nepal. If you need this resources then do send us Email at: or

  1. Video Processing with FPGA, Object Tracking, Video Overlay, Face/Eye Recognition
  2. PetaLinux Development for Custom Application
  3. Computer Vision with FPGA
  4. Verilog/VHDL and Tcl Reference Guide
  5. PCIe Terminologies (from PCI to PCIe Gen 3): Whilte Paper
  6. White paper document on PCIe Gen4 new features and it's applications
  7. VIVADO Design suit Reference Guide
  8. lspci and setpci Reference Manual for Xilinx PCIe IP, automatic report generation and analysis
  9. Answer Record on Debugging at Device Startup (VIVADO ILA Trigger at Startup)
  10. Reference Guide: FPGA Design with OpenCL
  11. Reference Manual: Very High Speed Packet Processing System and Architecture: FPGA and Heterogeneous Computing Methodology
  12. Tcl Scripting for VIVADO Design's for automation and Design/Verification: Reference Guide