Saturday, September 11, 2021

Winner Announcement of "6th National FPGA Design Competition 2021"!

The "Winning Project" of this 6th edition of "FPGA Design Competition" is "Implementation of Optimized Vedic Multiplication Core in Verilog & Xilinx Zynq FPGA" by Santosh Shaha of Kathmandu University, School of Engineering.

The "Best Project Idea" title goes to project "QPSK Modulation and Demodulation in FPGA for Wireless Communication" by team of Bikesh Dhonju, Rajal Baral, Sanuj Kumar Shah and Pramod Karki , Khwopa Engineering College - KhEC, Bhaktapur".
The Winning Project and Best Project Idea teams will get "Cash Prize, Certifications and Internship Offering" from us (Organizers). All the participants of the FPGA Design Competition will get "Certification of Participation"!
We are thankful to all sponsors , all the participants and judges of the competition! We are grateful to LogicTronix for being Co-organizer of this FPGA Design Competition.

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